Most Able
Most Able Provision at The Thomas Hardye School
Our most able provision is highly varied and enriching for our most able students.
The Department for Education and Ofsted define the ‘more able’ in terms of those whose progress significantly exceeds age related expectations.
The National Association for Able Children in Education describe most able students as ‘exceptionally able pupils […] who have the capacity to achieve or perform at the very highest levels’ across the curriculum subjects. A most able student is often curious, determined, hardworking, and ambitious but there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ criteria for a most able student.
We initially identify our most able students using Key Stage 2 data. However, we have a highly inclusive policy when it comes to who may benefit from the most able provision. Our incredible extra-curricular clubs, societies and groups are open to all. Under the ‘School and Community’ tab on the school website, select ‘Enrichment/Clubs’ to find the clubs’ timetable. Our trips and visits are often open to all too.
Each curriculum area in school offers some form of academic competition for most able students to take part in. From English spelling bees to science Olympiads; from the Maths ‘Ritangle’ competition to public speaking and debating contests: there is something for everyone.
We also offer a programme of academic after school clubs, such as Maths Club and English Revision Club, at which students can develop or extend their knowledge and skills. Closer to exams, there are often subject-specific enrichment lectures and workshops offered to extend the learning of our most able students. Students should speak to their tutors or subject teachers to find out more information.
In the summer term of Year 9, we offer all students the chance to join ‘The Russell Group’, a project-based learning opportunity. Named after the group of the UK’s top 24 universities, The Russell Group is a chance for most able students to choose a topic of interest, formulate an investigative title, learn research skills, and then write a 1000-word academic report on that topic. In July 2024, the topics chosen focused on: forensic science, marine biology, energy resource management, literary figures, Gothic novels, germ theory, animal testing, and aeronautical engineering – a diverse range of brilliant investigations! This is an excellent platform for the Aspiring Minds offer in Years 10 and 11.
In the summer term of Year 10, we offer all students the chance to join the Aspiring Minds group which runs in Years 10 and 11. Students who self-refer to Aspiring Minds are interested in a wealth of different topics and subject areas, both within the school and curriculum, and beyond it. As a member of Aspiring Minds, students attend a series of lunchtime workshops focused on subjects generally offered at A Level and university. These include Classics, Economics, Psychology, Law, Theatre Studies and Media/Film. There are also opportunities to visit universities, as well as the chance to take part in the Step-Up Programme in association with New College, Oxford University.
Moreover, there is the option to complete the AQA Higher Project Qualification, a Level 2, GCSE-equivalent qualification for which students choose a topic of interest beyond the scope of their GCSE studies, formulate an investigative title, learn research and note-taking skills, and then write a 2000-word academic report on that topic. Each student has a member of staff acting as their HPQ supervisor; they complete an online production log using a platform called ‘Project Q’ and present their findings at the HPQ Presentation Evening.
In Years 12 and 13, students can apply to complete the AQA Extended Project Qualification as part of their studies. This appeals to those who have an interest beyond their A Level/BTEC curricula. As with the HPQ, students formulate an investigative title, learn research and note-taking skills, and then write a 5000-word academic report on that topic. Each student has a member of staff acting as their EPQ supervisor; they complete an online production log using a platform called ‘Project Q’ and present their findings at the EPQ Presentation Evening. Sixth Form students are also closely supported by their tutors and the Sixth Form Team if they choose to apply to university.
If you would like further information about the most able provision at the school, please contact Mrs Russell at srussell@thomas-hardye.net, or advise your child to speak to their subject teacher or tutor.
Mrs Russell
Most Able Co-ordinator