Work Experience
Work experience is one of the most important link activities between employers and Sixth Forms. Exposure to work is a significant step in preparing young people for adulthood and working life by developing their personal and social skills as well as the key skills they will need for the world of work. It is also a key component of study programmes, academic, vocational and mixed pathways, helping students with their progression into their next stage whether it be employment, an apprenticeship or higher education.
The process carries huge benefits and learning opportunities for the individual such as:
- Insight into the skills and attitudes required by employers.
- An opportunity to develop, practice and demonstrate employability skills in the work setting – communication skills, teamwork, problem solving, creativity, decision making, personal presentation, time management and organisation skills, resilience and a positive attitude.
- Increased maturity, motivation and self-confidence.
- Working with others.
Alongside these employability skills the individual has the opportunity to increase their knowledge of possible future careers developing a better understanding of changes in the world of work and how they may impact their own careers.
At Thomas Hardye we endeavour to provide students with a positive, purposeful experience relevant to the young person's study programme and career aspirations. Giving the student the opportunity to gain an insight into working life. Offering them first-hand experience of what a particular job entails as well as appreciation for the disciplines and relationships involved.
In order to offer a quality work experience programme Thomas Hardye Sixth Form works within the statutory guidance given to schools around Safeguarding and Health and Safety and there is an expectation that all parties will work together to adhere to these rules.
Application forms can be collected from the Sixth Form Office.