English as an Additional Language
If you need this information translated, please email jmcnaughton@thomas-hardye.net with your name and preferred language.
Meet the Staff
Jo McNaughton
Rachel Munro
Claire Noble
Our Values
At The Thomas Hardye School, we believe in high-quality, inclusive teaching. This helps EAL (English as an Additional Language) students fully access the curriculum and succeed in their learning.
We have students who speak over thirty different languages. We are proud of our school's rich cultural and linguistic diversity. Celebrating this diversity helps teach all our students to respect each other and the wider community.
What we do
- We recognise and value our EAL students. We identify their progress in subjects and stage of learning English, and we celebrate their backgrounds and culture.
- We ensure all students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. We believe that English is best learned through full inclusion in the curriculum.
- EAL students are encouraged to participate fully in all learning opportunities with their peers.
- We equip staff with the skills, tools, and resources needed to have high expectations and make appropriate adaptations for EAL students.
- We use and monitor regular assessments to ensure the needs of EAL students are communicated, understood, and supported by staff.
- Where necessary, we provide additional support and intervention to help all students thrive and achieve excellence.
- Our whole school literacy strategy promotes language development through a reading-rich curriculum, whole school vocabulary teaching, and good speaking skills, adapted to meet the needs of EAL speakers.
- Our core values of Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience, along with a strong pastoral structure, ensure that students are fully included in school life while valuing diversity.
- We champion bilingualism as a positive and life enriching asset.
- We provide parents and prospective parents with details of our EAL provision and support home communication where necessary.
If you are new to the school
New EAL students, whether starting in year 9 or at any other time, will be fully supported in their transition to the school.
- All students will have an initial meeting with our EAL co-ordinator to discuss what support they need from teachers.
- A plan will be made to ensure that all students are supported to enjoy school life.
- Parents and carers will be contacted and a meeting, in person or on the phone, can be arranged to discuss any concerns or communication barriers.
- Ideally, this will be done during the year 8 transition day or before the student starts at the school but the aim is to have this meeting within the first two weeks of admission.
Exam Access Arrangements
Please contact us to see if you qualify for special arrangements for external exams. Forms can be collected from the main reception, or we can help with any questions you may have.
UCAS Applications
Please contact us if you have any questions about the UCAS application process.